Thursday 14 May 2015

Sometimes, when I don’t see the culmination of a project, I presume that it was never finished…It’s hard to explain, but when I start a task I beat myself up because in my mind I feel that I didn’t accomplish or achieve anything – does that make any sense?

I was sitting down the other day, and I had to write out a list of all the things I already accomplished.  It blew me away! I have done more than I give myself credit for – I’m so focused on the end result that I don’t celebrate the checkpoints I have completed to get me there.  Bummer.

So, recently, I have decided to celebrate EVERY little thing (I’m ready to pop open a bottle of cider right now because I’m awesome – and that’s something to celebrate!)

I don’t know if it’s a female thing (I would venture out on a limb and say that it is…) but I noticed that we don’t compliment ourselves or accept compliments without adding something that retracts from the compliment.

Let’s test this theory:

1) Stand in front of the mirror and compliment yourself on something out loud.  

Give yourself 5 points – now subtract 1 point for that negative comment that you thought, 2 points if you said that negative comment out loud, 3 points if you compared yourself to someone,  4 points if you felt better about the negative comment than the positive one, or 5 points if you stared and couldn’t think of anything positive to say to yourself.

2) Someone just complimented you on your outfit / an accessory.  Do you:
                a) Smile politely and say “Thank you.”
                b) Say “Thank you” and add where you purchased said item.
                c) Say “Thank you” quickly followed by: “This old thing!”, or “I’ve had this forever.” etc.

Right about now you are probably smiling to yourself, because honestly, we degrade ourselves in little ways every day because we don’t allow ourselves to savor the compliments that are gifted to us.  We actually don’t think we deserve them. This blog entry would turn into a research paper if I even begin to disseminate the thought process and teachings that have made us feel inadequate.

So today, I want you to reflect on something positive about yourself (if you are like me and find it hard to accept compliments) and then I want you to bask in your awesomeness.  It gets better when you treat yourself better!

Hands up in acceptance, heart full of self-love

xoxo Jenna

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