I had a successful intro interview (looking forward to a second interview soon, I hope) , spent some time behind the scenes of Friends, Family & Pastor Gumpa ( a hilarious new sitcom that will be airing here in April), and I have a wedding session tomorrow morning that I'm setting up for RIGHT now!!!!
Behind the scenes of Friends, Family & Pastor Gumpa |
I think my weekends are more hectic than my weekdays, and it's no wonder that it takes me the whole week to recover...LOL!!!
I just found out a few minutes ago that I have been added to the Caribbean Style Bloggers (CSB) directory!!!! Okay, so I'm two days late, but this is a big deal and I have to celebrate!!!! The link for the page can be found here...now let me tell you what it's all about:
CSB is a blog directory..full of Caribbean flavor :-) Bloggers who are either in the Caribbean or of Caribbean ancestry all share their insights and creativity - and this is JUST the place to find them all....it's like having all of the islands at your fingertips, with an exclusive point of view from the natives. How awesome is that?!?!?!
So, to all of my new readers - Welcome!!!! Thank you for joining me here, and I look forward to hearing from you! I wish to extend a special thank you to all of you who have been with me since the inception of this blog a few weeks ago :-) Your readership is truly appreciated!
There is so much that I want to share with you!
Hands up in excitement, heart full of anticipation,
xoxo Jenna
Pen & Tongue, Behind the Scenes, Family, Friends and Pastor Gumpta, J. Reign, Bahamas