Here in the islands, you will find that many Bahamians prefer ‘bush teas’ (leaves of plants that can be found in our environments) over store-bought ones.
Leaf teas are usually prepared with fresh
leaves, (unlike the dried tea leaves that you would purchase), and in our home
(because I can’t wait!), we drink a cup of the tea freshly boiled then steep it
overnight for a morning brew.
This simple recipe can be used for Pear
leaf (my favorite), ‘sour’ leaf, lime/lemon leaf, fever grass (lemon grass),
peppermint leaf teas and a few others that I can’t remember off the top of my
head due to my…
I literally go outside and pick the leaves
that I want (sometimes, we find our tea leaves in the ‘bush’, and at times we
are gifted with them by family or friends). I rinse and inspect to ensure that
no debris or insects are brought inside.
I then place them in a pot (folding or tearing them if necessary) and
cover them with enough water to boil.
Depending on the amount of cups I plan to prepare, I gauge the amount of leaves and water I place in the pot. I boil them to the desired strength (you will be able to tell how strong it is by the color your water changes to…the darker it gets the stronger it is)
At this
point, you can do as I do and prepare a cup with your desired amount of sugar
to taste, or you can let it steep overnight (which is what you are SUPPOSED to
do, to truly enjoy the full flavor) and reheat it to enjoy in the morning (I do
Depending on the amount of cups I plan to prepare, I gauge the amount of leaves and water I place in the pot. I boil them to the desired strength (you will be able to tell how strong it is by the color your water changes to…the darker it gets the stronger it is)

I can’t recall my first time drinking pear
leaf tea, but it is definitely my favorite (I think fresh peppermint tea is
next, and then lemon grass (fever grass tea).
We drink these teas in moderation because they also have medicinal value
(that I can’t remember off the top of my head)…in a future blog post I will
talk more about our bush teas & medicines here in The Bahamas.
xoxo Jenna
Island Teas, Leaf Tea, Pear leaf tea, island life, Bahamas