This week has been rough! (and I want you to know that I said that as dramatically as I can – and KNOW that I CAN get VERY dramatic!!!)
was holding off on telling you guys about my weekend – I was savoring every
moment, and I was being very selfish about it because it was all I had to carry
me through this week :-( But
anyway….guilt trip aside…I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend!

have never met a more involved civic group – they truly go beyond their comfort
zones to ensure that they make a positive impact on society. Their theme: ‘Making a Difference by Being a
Difference in a Child’s Life’ resonates with a maturity that we should all have
with regard to our upcoming generation.
I feel that if we implement a ‘nurture over nature’ attitude in just one
life, then we can impact a whole nation…simply imagine what can be done, when a
civic group positively affects hundreds of school students, reaches out to
young men and women that no one else wants to, and feeds spirits as well as
salute the Kiwanis Club of Fort Montague for a job well done, and for showing
me that they are truly ‘being the change’ that Ghandi has urged us all to be.
then visited the ‘Total You Purpose Conference’, which was held at the British
Colonial Hilton and was
blown away by the information that I received. With speakers such as Dr. Wayne Thompson of Relationship Management, I left the conference with a second wind.
blown away by the information that I received. With speakers such as Dr. Wayne Thompson of Relationship Management, I left the conference with a second wind.
positive change truly begins with a mindset change. I walked away with a better understanding of
relational ethics (Bahamians are in a league of their own when it comes to
interaction!), financial stability, and personal responsibility.
should have known it was all a set up! I shall reiterate that I had a beautiful
weekend: I managed to get a bit of rest,
was able to refocus, do a bit of editing, and even had the opportunity to
fellowship with two congregations PLUS even though I didn’t get to watch the
Superbowl COMMERCIALS (Yes, I confess, it’s rare that I watch the actual game),
I got some Superbowl FOOD!!! (I just want to take this moment to thank the daughters
of Pastor Dixon for such incredible food!!!! I didn’t know that you could
infuse seafood into scalloped potatoes like that!!!! I didn’t realize I was a
foodie until I was introduced to Long Island cooking – I must visit you guys
during one of these holidays! Pastor Dixon – I’m looking forward to all the
seafood I can eat!!!!)
you guys! I had a beautiful weekend! It felt like a bit of the weekend trickled
into Monday, but, it was MONDAY after all – what could you really expect? I was
already disappointed that the weekend was over, the sidekick started exhibiting
a bit of his symptoms…again, but I knew that we REALLY needed to get out of the
house - so I went to visit one of my favorite aunties :-) (she was only here
for a few days and we had a mini photo session, so I was excited!)
It felt so good to spend time with her and reminisce…and I honestly think that if it wasn’t for the time I spent with her and the encouragement, inspiration, and motivation that I received over the weekend I would have exploded by Tuesday when all the negative energy seemed to have magnetically pulled in my direction…but HEY! ‘Hello Monday’ is back! I got to watch the first episode of the new season on Tuesday (lol) and I got a little bit of added oomph to pull me through to Friday!!!! God is, indeed, awe-inspiring!
It felt so good to spend time with her and reminisce…and I honestly think that if it wasn’t for the time I spent with her and the encouragement, inspiration, and motivation that I received over the weekend I would have exploded by Tuesday when all the negative energy seemed to have magnetically pulled in my direction…but HEY! ‘Hello Monday’ is back! I got to watch the first episode of the new season on Tuesday (lol) and I got a little bit of added oomph to pull me through to Friday!!!! God is, indeed, awe-inspiring!
so thankful because when I look back at the week, I realize that it has made me
stronger. He loved me enough to give me
everything I needed to get through the week at the very beginning of it. I will not pretend that I didn’t feel crushed
or depressed, but I know for a fact that I was not destroyed!
here I am, at the end of another week and a very long blog post (…lol) asking
you to be grateful for the little things, and to smile as often as you can -
even if it hurts. I know for a fact that
everything is going to be alright. I
happening next week? Well…I am visiting 'SPEAK!' on Monday with Pen & Tongue
to minister in spoken word at their ‘season premiere’, and later on in the
week, I spend Valentine’s Day and the remainder of the week at Grace
Evangelical Ministries Women’s Conference (I’m ministering in spoken word there
also)…I MAY be missing in action for a few days because HELLO, it IS
Valentine’s week, and I’m married, and I feel that Valentine’s Day IS for
married people (I never celebrated it before marriage...I may explain in a blog
post a bit later this week…) But yeah…I’m looking forward to ‘shipping’ my son
somewhere for a day or two and spending some REAL quality time with the
hubby…Lord knows we haven’t had ‘Us Time’ in a long time….(yet another blog
post that I must get to because for some awkward reason I love posting ALL of
my business on a blog for the world to read!!! LOL)
the way! Shout out to Trinidad and Tobago!!! I see you!!! Thank you for reading
my blog! I am honored that you visited! To my Caribbean Massive!!!! I love you
guys! Shout outs to the U.S. of A also, for all the love that you have been
sending my way! :-) I truly appreciate it! And dear Bahamas…thank you for
opening my eyes to the possibilities of sharing OUR culture and my heart to the
world. I bleed aquamarine, gold, and
your weekend!
up in resilience, heart full of determination,
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