Friday 14 February 2014

Sharing it with the World!!!

Just popping in to let the world know that I love my husband!!!! :-D  He is my everything and I love him more than air!  I know that I’m not the easiest person to get along with, but he loves me for me and appreciates who I am.  Who could ask for more?

 Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you that celebrate, and if you don’t?  “Carry on smartly” ;-) For years I was in that number of persons who didn’t celebrate for two main reasons: 1) It’s lost its real meaning and 2) It’s a married people thing. (which is it’s real meaning)

I love him so!!!!
 I strongly feel that Valentine’s Day has been overly commercialized – I feel so sorry for men who are pressured into taking whole paychecks to purchase scantily filled baskets to prove to women that they truly do love them.  I believe in tokens of affection, but I don’t think that the gaudiness wrapped in red and white is really important. 

We all know the story that Valentine’s Day is spun from, and I salute St. Valentine for restoring the sanctity of marriage in his era. The men and women who were wedded by him must have been a rare breed – circumstances were mounted against them, and they probably didn’t have the luxuries that we lavish upon ourselves in the celebration of marriage these days.

I believe that a person’s TRUE Valentine is their marriage partner – and so, every year, my husband and I go out of our way to put an extra bit of love in our day as we celebrate with others all over the world.
So, as I prepare for ministry this evening, I just wanted to pop in and tell you guys to enjoy your day.  We would normally make an extra special dinner and eat in, but we have been invited to the opening service of Grace Evangelical Ministry’s Women’s Conference and we get to bask in the love of the couples there as we fellowship.

Hands up in affection, heart full of possibilities,

xoxo Jenna

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