Friday 10 January 2014

Assisting Lyndah Wells

Lyndah Wells of Lyndah Wells Photography

  I met Lyndah Wells (Lyndah Wells Photography) when she visited the island on assignment last year, and in all honesty, she doesn't need an introduction. Her work speaks for itself...and I promise you, within the thousand words are 'breathtaking', 'amazing', 'inspiring', and 'WOW!'

I can't quite remember how I found her blog  but, being an aspiring photographer, I found myself staring at images that were astounding! She has a style that captures the details of an event in its intimacy without sullying it.

I found myself 'liking' her Facebook page (I promise, I am not a stalker) and it amazed me how down-to-earth she was - so much so that when she mentioned she would be visiting New Providence, I sent her an email asking if I could assist her. I didn't know what it entailed, but I knew that I was willing to do whatever was (legally) necessary to spend time in the presence of a professional photographer and learn from the master.

She doesn't know this, but she gave me the extra boost of confidence I needed to stand behind my lens.  Always ready to share her gift of photography, she never grew weary in answering questions or giving advice. And I learned something new every time I worked beside her.  I have learned business ethics and etiquette behind the scenes - and I realize that her work isn't just amazing because she is good at what she does - it's amazing because she stands behind her service and believes in what she does.

 I have seen Lyndah tell brides that she wants to take their wedding dress outside and there is NO hesitation.  I have seen bridesmaids run to her with the bride's shoes and other items because they know she loves 'detail shots'.  I have witnessed complete bridal parties drop everything to ensure that the words 'picture perfect' are memories in the bride's photo albums, and I understand that they believe in what she does too.

I am honoured to have  the opportunity to work with someone who respects me for who I am and  who I will be.

Contact Information for Lyndah Wells Photography:

Twitter: (@LyndahWells)

The above collage is a representation of Lyndah's work.

Hands lifted in gratitude, heart filled with joy,

xoxo Jenna

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