Wednesday 22 January 2014

Out of Sync

I have been having problems with my ISP these days, and it has been really difficult getting online for more than 5 minutes (on a good day)…which, of course, is very frustrating. I’m trying to be as optimistic as possible about this, and I’m trying not to think of all the deadlines that I have been missing – and I should point out that my cell phone is also malfunctioning, so I can’t keep in contact with friends and family like I would wish to.

Right now I am at home, trying to get some work done, and taking care of the sidekick (the weather
changed so quickly here and he now has a stubborn cold). He has been out of school for a few days (doing a bit of work at home to keep him sharp) and keeping me company.

I feel like I’m under quarantine…LOL! I basically have no connection with the outside world right if you are reading this, know that supplies are running low and we are trapped at this location. The beacon has malfunctioned, but we have been managing these past few days.  (LOL!!! I guess I don’t have to tell you that we have resorted to watching every DVD we can find to keep our imaginations going!)

 I will now admit that I have the initial symptoms of cabin fever…in paradise…is that possible?!?!?!
What have we been doing to keep ourselves busy? Writing, playing card match, dominoes ( the national pastime of The…have you watched the ‘Hello Monday’ segment , Dominoes yet? Refer to my previous blog post  (HERE)  if you have NO IDEA of what I’m talking about…and if that’s the case, you lead a  sad existence…..LOL), ummm…reading, and stuff… I’ve spent a few hours editing photos, and I did manage to get in contact with a few of my potential there is hope after all.

I’m looking forward to this new week…and the optimist in me(or is it my pessimistic side???) is actually enjoying this bit of freedom from contact (Let’s just chalk it up to me being an introvert, so any side could have said that, and I would have agreed! HA!) 

If it wasn’t so cold, I could have made today a ‘beach day’ in celebration (which would have been killing two birds with one stone, because down here, when you have a cold, a swim is actually on the list of things you should do, along with keeping hydrated and warm).  Mind you, it’s about 65 degrees Fahrenheit…for a Bahamian, it might as well be 20 below zero, let me tell you! The faux fur-lined jackets & boots, tams, scarves, gloves and sweaters that we purchased for a ‘cold moment’ are out, which means ANY island in The Bahamas right now that is experiencing this weather has become a fashion runway! We don’t know when we will get an opportunity to wear all this wooly goodness again!!!

I think that the only reason we aren’t complaining about this drastic change in weather is because we were looking forward to a cold Christmas (well I was) and we never got it…that was difficult for me…I won’t complain about the 79 degrees we got Christmas Day, but it was weird because my tradition of Christmas pajamas alllll day accented by the warmest blanket I could find was shot down, and I actually wore shorts for our newest family tradition: the neighborhood bike ride!

I hope you guys enjoy your week, and I look forward to sharing mine with you!

Hands up in sanguinity, heart full of expectancy,
xoxo Jenna

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